Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. Col. 4:2

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What's Got You Worried?

Matt. 6:25-34   Our desire in this study is to understand that worry prevents us from seeking to advance His Kingdom.

I.                    Results of Worry

A.      Accomplishes nothing! (except stress, negative effect on health,  strained relationships)   V. 27 What positive or productive thing has ever been accomplished by my worries?

B.      Demonstrates lack of faith because we don’t believe what God says or we don’t trust Him.  V. 30 

C.      Shows us acting like the world which in turn affects our testimony to others.  V. 32.  Does my conversation reveal to others an attitude of worry or of trust?


II.                  Reasons not to Worry - What is the truth in this situation? (Phil 4:8)

A.      God is our provider (28-30) How has God provided for me recently?

B.      God knows what we need because He is omniscient.  (32)  What do you know that God doesn’t know?

C.      God is righteous (33) He will give us what is right in every sense of the word.  His way is correct.

D.     God is our Sovereign God, ruler, King (33).  What He decrees happens, what He decides comes to pass.

E.      God is our heavenly Father who loves and cares for His children.

Which attribute will help me most to meditate on in this situation that has me worried?

III.                Replacement for Worry – Instead of worrying, we are to seek His kingdom and righteousness.  (33)  How do we do that? 

How do we seek (strive for, aim for His rule)  His kingdom? 

A.       Submit to His rule and reign in our own heart.  I.e. instead of worrying about ________ I yield it to God’s desire and plan.  Elizabeth George emphasizes the importance of time alone with God in prayer to get his perspective and ordering of the day.  Her summary of verses 33 is “deal with today” in order to help us win over worry.  She gives 5 keys to winning over worry:  Prepare, Plan, Pray, Proceed and Trust God to Provide.  She shares how she used these steps in battle worry as she faced the possibility of her husband going oversees in the Persian Gulf War.  She has another chapter on how these 5 keys can help in dealing with today when you face ongoing suffering on a daily basis. (From the book, Love the Lord with All Your Mind)

B.      Desire to see His rule in the lives of others.  I.e. it might be to pray for ____ to follow God’s direction.  In other situations it might be to teach and encourage a friend to follow God’s (the King’s) way.

C.      Participation in the growth of God’s Kingdom.  I.e. personal witness (share with others how God was worthy of my trust and how He alone could meet my needs.)  Is there a way God wants me to get involved in being part of solution instead of worrying about it. 

How do we seek His righteousness? God’s righteousness is a moral correctness of thinking, feeling, and acting

A.    Correct thinking – Phil 4:8; Finally, brethren, whatever is true, ….dwell on these things.      Correct feeling – Heb. 1:9, You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness; Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”                                                                                                         Correct acting – Heb. 11:33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions

B.      Be trained in it through His Word –II Tim 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

C.      Practice it – I John 2:29 If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone also who practices righteousness is born of Him.

Another quote by Mrs. George:  “When you being to live out the command of Matt 6:33, Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then you begin to realize the promise of Matthew 6:33, the promise of God’s provision of all that you need… the truth that make it possible for you to win over worry- and all these things shall be added to you.”

Will I worry or will I use it as an opportunity to seek the advancement His Kingdom and righteousness?

In what situation in your life right now is God giving you that choice?





  1. These are Pam Cook's observations from her study, also posted in Our Daily Bread. (I neglected to remind you to scroll to the very bottom of that post.)

    Below is an attempt to crystallize some encouragement God gave me in studying Mt. 6:25-33.

    God's provision is to receive with thankfulness today's provision and trust Him for tomorrow's provision. Spiritually and physically, God provides what I need for TODAY. I try to store up enough of what is good and pleasing of fellowship with God (and the best of food) for tomorrow--as if God won't meet my needs tomorrow as I'd like. Isn't this MY plan, my lack of trust, my independence?

    Manna literally meant "what is it?". Well, what is it that God will supply for me today? I don't know, but it is enough and it is here for me to have.

    Lesson for me from Mt. 6:25-33 is that I cannot survive today on yesterday's provision--or even the promise of tomorrow's. I must go to HIM daily for what it is that he has for me. This is walking by faith.

    (Reminders of Ann Voskamp's thoughts on manna surely are present.)

    So many lessons to be learned from God's provision of manna for Israel!

    This Bible study system is simple but effective. That works for me. I'm glad we have been reminded of this technique and that we are putting it to use by learning to apply it!


  2. Great insight, Pam! Isn't God good to give each of us a different perspective to share with each other!

    I don't have an alliterative summary statement this week (bummer!) but my summary of the passage is: Jesus teaches against unproductive worry, because God cares for all Creation.

    What the Lord showed me is that anxiety and worry is really a manifestation of pride, because I worry that things won't go the way I think best, or the way I think they should, or result in an outcome that I prefer.
