Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. Col. 4:2

Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Daily Bread"

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes  from the mouth of God.' Matt. 4:4       This is the place for you to share any scripture (or scripture based quotes) that have ministered to you recently.  You may add comments about why or how they were meaningful to you, if you wish.  It is a way to encourage your sisters in their walk with the Lord and point them to the Bread of Life.


  1. Based on Matt. 26:34 "not as I will, but as thou will"
    "Our resignation to the will of God may be said to be perfect, when we rest in His Will as our end, as being itself most just, and right, and good...Joseph Butler
    "Lord, thy will be done in father, mother, child, in everything and everywhere, without a Reserve, without a BUT, and IF, or a limit." --Francis DeSales
    "At times when you cannot see God, there is still open to you this sacred possibility, to show God. --For it is the love and kindness of human hearts through which the divine reality comes home to men (& women), whether they name it or not. Let this thought, then stay with you, there may be times when you cannot find help, but there is no time when you cannot give help." --George S. Merriam

    The following really spoke to me back when I was praying about a ministry opportunity. I think it is a good "pondering" for all ladies desiring to "minister" or use their talents for the Lord. (italics and underlines are my additions)

  2. How is your vision today? Where are your eyes focusing?
    Two prayers I read this week challenge me to check my eyesight. In II Kings 6:15-18, Elisha and his servant saw their city surrounded by the enemy. The servant was overcome with fear so Elisha prayed, "O Lord, open his eyes that he may see". God opened the servant's eyes to see His army. What enemy are you, or someone you know, facing? Ask God to open your eyes to see Him.
    Jehoshaphat also faced the imminent attack of a formidable enemy. (II Chronicles 20) As he went before the Lord he acknowledged, "we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You." When you are facing a situation in which you do know what to do, take a cue from Jehoshaphat and keep your eyes on Him.

    1. A very timely reminder for me.

    2. There is so much we don't see, or see only with our flawed human eyesight. Ann Voskamp speaks of needing God's lenses to see through.

  3. Isaiah 45: 2,3 ESV

    2 “I will go before you
    and level the exalted places,
    I will break in pieces the doors of bronze
    and cut through the bars of iron,
    3 I will give you the treasures of darkness
    and the hoards in secret places,
    that you may know that it is I, the Lord,
    the God of Israel, who call you by your name.

    A friend shared these verses with me. They came on the heels of some other thoughts I'd read by Ann Voskamp on the topic of darkness. They read: "I drive out of dark and into morning glory. I push off of shadows and I awaken wide, to the strange truth that all new life comes out of the dark places, and hasn't it always been? Out of darkness, God spoke forth the teeming life. All new life labors out of the womb of darkness."


    "That fullest life itself dawns from nothing but Calvary darkness and tomb-cave black into the radiance of easter morning, out of the darkness of the cross, the world transfigures into new life, there is no other way."

    My friend speaks of resting in the shadow of His wing, and I think of finding the treasures He gives, even in dark places. Only God can miraculously do that!

    1. Hadn't really thought of darkness having treasures but this helps me view darkness in a different "light".

    2. Great insight, Pam. And yet, haven't we all or aren't we all afraid of the dark?

      From One Thousand Gifts "this is the ugly beautiful, that which is perceived as ugly transfigures into beautiful ... the dark can give birth to life."

  4. Pondering what the Lord showed me yesterday in Mark 11:11 (NIV) "Jesus entered Jerusalem and went to the temple. He looked around at everything, but since it was already late, he went out to Bethany with the Twelve. The next day ... Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there."

    There's a difference between reacting, which is usually a spontaneous knee-jerk reaction we have, and in responding, which is more prayerful and thoughtful and intentional.

    This would be the second time Jesus cleansed the temple. What really struck me is that Jesus saw a very troubling, sinful, wicked thing happening in the temple AGAIN! Yet, even knowing that it was God's will that He cleansed the temple the first time, Jesus still went home without reacting. His response was to take in the sin at the temple, leave, pray over it, and return in the morning.

    Wonder how many times I should "sleep on it" and respond in the morning, rather than reacting immediately?

    1. Love the application from that passage - something I need very much to ponder and practice as that is difficult for me.

    2. ahhh, to be silent and ponder! How I need "Christ-likeness" in this! Thanks for the good thoughts!

  5. "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful unto me for my soul trusts in thee, yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be past" Ps. 57:1 --in my devotional book read this "in times of trouble go not out of yourself to seek for aid, for the whole benefit of trial consists in silence, patience, rest and acceptance--in this condition Divine Strength is found for the hard warfare, because God Himself fights for the soul." - M. Molinos

    Lord, is not self-pity and depression "soul" issues? -- then help me I pray, not to "go there". To keep my mind on Your Word which encourages and is my foundation. That foundation which is strong and keeps me from sinking into that pit - the one satan loves to have me wallow in! The "faith-rest" life is what I desire and I know you will remain ever faithful to me. I Love You Lord!! How cool to know that you are "fighting" for my soul as,I (& doctors) "fight" the cancer! I am as concerned about my spiritual health (maybe more so) than my physical health!

  6. Some thoughts as I pondered Phil. 3:10 "I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing his suffering, becoming like him in death" -- I never truly understood how I could "suffer w/Christ". I mean, he was perfect!, sinless and did not DESERVE the suffering and pain, but his suffering had a purpose. "by his wounds we are healed". I, however, AM NOT sinless--it was my sin that caused his pain! Then Jesus spoke to my heart: "I CHOSE you to have cancer, so that I could draw you closer and bless you more than you can imagine". Also, the though "I didn't deserve cancer"-yet there IS a purpose for it and now I CAN "relate/understand" in Christ's suffering. There is a purpose for my cancer --sharing Christ's love to others! -- I know this verse can apply to Christians who are persecuted for their faith, but for me, today, I see a "bond with Christ" in physical suffering and pain, because I can tell others where my "peace" comes from. Let them know Christ can be their salvation and strength if they accept what he did on the cross. "for the joy set before him he endured the cross " -- for the joy set before me--I will endure cancer. (back pain lasted ALLLLLL day...I will see dr. tomorrow and we are going to make some adjustments, well at least I am going to ask for some! ;p )

  7. James writes to the scattered believers to encourage them in their trials and difficulties.

    James 1:2-8 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have [its] perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

    Here are some lessons I took away from this passage:
    1. Trials God brings have a purpose - our maturity.
    2. Trials are part of a Christian's life, so we shouldn't be surprised by them.
    3. It is possible to have joy through difficulties.
    4. Doubting brings instability.
    5. God gives generously and without dissapproval
    5. Attributes of God seen here: Sovereign, generous, gracious, wise, kind

    Promise: God gives wisdom to those who lack it and ask.
    Warning: Don't expect to receive from God when you doubt that that He will give you wisdom.
    Commands: We are to view trials with joy
    We are to ask for for wisdom in faith

    How can I apply this passage?
    How do I view the trials in my life? What trial am I going through right now that God wants me to be joyful for?
    What does joy look like in my life?
    For what difficulty do I need to ask God's wisdom?
    What problem am I facing that I am doubting that God can answer?
    What trials has God used in the past to bring about my growth?
    To whom does God want me to be generous and approving?
    What encouragement does it bring to accept God's sovereignty?

    Lord, help me to face the trials in my life with joy because I know You are in them - to bring about my growth and maturity. Thank You for the wisdom You give when I don't know how to handle those difficulties and the security in knowing you are in control of all things.

  8. Jan, I really appreciated this. Wouldn't you just know that I am studying James right now and am attempting to memorize Chapter 1.

    To add to what you've said, the NIV says "consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds" and one of your personal application questions asks "what does joy look like in my life". The study pointed out that the word "consider" is an exercise of the mind, and not an emotion of jumping-up-and-down happiness. So yes, it is a mindset, a view of joy, not necessarily a happy smile :)

  9. Lori's Confession--

    Well, I am going to be VERY transparent and let you know that I had been praying a very BAD prayer before and after the elections! And then, by going through the Bible study on Prayer and reading the article Jan put in our mailboxes on prayer-- the Lord revealed the following to me.
    See, I had been praying that the Lord would just REMOVE the President--make it so he could not be installed in office in Jan. 2013, my motives were wrong and I knew God was in control and His Will would prevail...but still, I wanted MY way! What I learned from those resources and God prompting my heart was this...What prayers please God?...those that will glorify Him...what does God desire most...a relationship with the people he created. Ah, the answer came...I need to pray for the President's Salvation...for those around him - someone--anyone to witness of God's love and purpose for him...or maybe one of his children's school teachers...or someone his wife meets at the hair many opportunities for God to work. 2Ch 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." Yes Lord, humble me...forgive me for wrong motives...I now pray for you to be glorified...thank you for changing my heart! I pray for heart's to be changed in our Nation's Capitol..."for NOTHING is impossible with God" Luke 1:37
    Join me - won't you?

  10. Thoughts on Disappointment

    Rarely do I get "lightening bolt" moments from the Lord. Seldom do the words of scripture "leap off the page" and reveal something new. It is more of a constant "layer upon layer" learning and understanding. It is reliance upon God's Faithfulness - NOT my plan or self-wisdom. I had to remind myself of this recently when Disappointment came knocking and shoved it's face into mine...I don't deal well with disappointment, even at this "mature" age of mine!
    Were my expectations too high? Was my desire/plan not in God's will? When I examine my heart and compare to scripture, my motives were not wrong, there were no "checks" in my Spirit. God just said "no" or "wait" and I need to deal with this. Many times my disappointment is for another person - not that they have disappointed me, but rather, they have to face more pain or trial, etc. I worry that they will lose hope. That they will turn away from God. THIS is the danger of Disappointment. And I realize as I type this that I have used the word "feel"--that is all disappointment is...a FEELING it is not TRUTH!

    I remember as a young teen, I had not read the entire book of Job, but I clung to one verse "Though he slay me, yet will I hope in Him" Job 13:15. This is my prayer for myself and others. This HOPE is what needs to be foundational in our lives. God is working - He IS Faithful! Look for the Grace - the undeserved blessings - Disappointment clouds our vision and makes our hearts heavy. I need to RELY on God's faithful love and plan for me-Jerm. 29:11. I will recognize and give thanks for ALL the many ways he has seen me through in the past, when I could not see or understand. This leads to reliance on God and a contentment while I WAIT and RELEASE the disappointment. For it IS just a feeling - not something to put my faith in or allow me to "sink into the pit of depression".

    I am reminded of an old song from the 80's "Disappointment - his appointment. No good thing will he withhold. From denials, oft we gather, treasures of His love untold (unfold?)."

    1. Great thoughts to ponder. I've discovered my disappointments are often the result of expectations. When I yield my expectations to God, there is greater thankfulness in what He does give and less disappoinment with what I thought He should give, but didn't.

  11. OH, I read the most amazing verse in my devotional this morning…it is from 2 Cor 2:14 – but in the NKJV - here are my thoughts:

    Now thanks [be] to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. (2 Cor. 2:14)

    Ok, follow me here – first I thought about the "air diffusers" that have the "reeds" in them…how the reeds have to "go down into the liquid and then DRAW UP the fragrance" - how this is a slow even process and not a sudden "punch of smell" - this is how our years of Bible reading/study has given us knowledge down deep where we can draw upon it – so that in every place (situation) - - I prayerfully will Draw upon what I know and react/behave in a "sweet smelling fragrance" to my Lord.
    (I so often pray that I will TRIUMPH in Christ in a situation instead of "knee jerk reaction" with my 'ol sin nature! ;-{ )

    I thought about how each of us is in "different physical/situational place" or "emotional place" - yet God is with you, your knowledge and faith are with you and God will be a sweet fragrance to you (your peace and comfort) and HE can help make each of us a "sweet smelling fragrance" wherever we are!

  12. Obviously I have not yet mastered this blog reply part. :)

    Anywhoo, what I said previously that now is nowhere to be found, is that I must have missed your post while I was physically in Huntsville and emotionally/mentally in LaLa Land :)

    Your illustration rocks.!

  13. 2 Corinthians 12:10 -- That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

    Simple thoughts….yes, that is what works well for me and simple illustrations.
    Recently, I had to repair something that was cracked with “Gorilla Glue” and the following came to mind:

    The glue promises to make a “stronger bond and waterproof”
    …hmmm, what if I used “GOD’S GLUE” on myself!?

    ….got “gaps in your godliness?” - God’s GRACE glues in and fills!
    …got “cracks in your character” – God’s COMMANDS will cement a strong truth!
    ….got “a fracture in your foundation” –God’s FORGIVENESS will firm you up!

    Where can you get “GOD’S GLUE?” – well, you travel to the “cross where Jesus died for your sins” and then because JESUS purchased your salvation – you have access to understanding God’s Word – the Bible! (the packaging of God’s Glue).

    Therein lies all the “problems/issues” that God’s Glue (His Truth) can heal, repair, restore and make stronger than before!
    Just like Gorilla Glue is suppose to make a stronger bond, letting God’s Word sink into your soul will make for a stronger You!

    1. Lori, I LOVE this. Loved when you gave the analogy on the phone and in book discussion but what you wrote here expands it even further. We are all broken vessels and God's glue not only fixes our brokenness but actually makes us stronger, more beautiful and more useful than before!

  14. Below is an attempt to crystallize some encouragement God gave me in studying Mt. 6:25-33.

    God's provision is to receive with thankfulness today's provision and trust Him for tomorrow's provision. Spiritually and physically, God provides what I need for TODAY. I try to store up enough of what is good and pleasing of fellowship with God (and the best of food) for tomorrow--as if God won't meet my needs tomorrow as I'd like. Isn't this MY plan, my lack of trust, my independence?

    Manna literally meant "what is it?". Well, what is it that God will supply for me today? I don't know, but it is enough and it is here for me to have.

    Lesson for me from Mt. 6:25-33 is that I cannot survive today on yesterday's provision--or even the promise of tomorrow's. I must go to HIM daily for what it is that he has for me. This is walking by faith.

    (Reminders of Ann Voskamp's thoughts on manna surely are present.)

    So many lessons to be learned from God's provision of manna for Israel!

    This Bible study system is simple but effective. That works for me. I'm glad we have been reminded of this technique and that we are putting it to use by learning to apply it!

