Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. Col. 4:2

Friday, March 7, 2014

Three Question Bible Study Method

This method can be used whether you have 10 minutes or 10 hours! Determine the amount of scripture you will cover based on the amount of time you have.  The intent is not a deep scholarly study, but devotional in nature.  But it certainly can be a springboard for deeper study!

Begin by praying and asking the Holy Spirit to lead your study time and to open your spiritual eyes and ears so He can teach you what you need to learn through the passage you are about to study.

Read the passage.
Write down your responses to the following three questions.

 1.  What are the core facts in this passage?

            Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? (All of these may not be answered in the passage.)
            In Summary:  Write down the facts OR a brief summary of the facts of the passage.

2.  What are the life lessons I can learn from this passage?

            Look for a warning, a command, or a promise.

            Is there an example to follow or not to follow?

            What is the main truth or principle of the passage?

            What does the passage reveal about the character of God? (His attributes, ways of relating to people, emotions, views about something, reasons to love Him more, etc.)

            Not all of the above examples will be in every passage. These are only suggestions to help you get started.

             In Summary:  Write down the lessons/truths that you find in the passage.

3.       What are some application questions that will help me apply these lessons?

Look back at the facts(Q1) and the lessons (Q2).

Write down any application questions that help you apply this lesson to your life,   NOT yes/no questions. 
           Write down your response to the questions.
What you have observed and the lessons learned lead to and flow beautifully into prayers of praise, thanksgiving, confessions and intercession.




1 comment:

  1. It is very difficult to write short summary statements of Scripture, because all of Scripture is important and we fear leaving out something very necessary when we try to be brief.

    Jan's comment one night as we were all sharing our summaries was that we don't have to rewrite or paraphrase the entire passage. Maybe it is best explained that we are simply trying to jog our memory as to what the passage was about, rather than trying to duplicate every important word. Or maybe we can view it as boiling it down to a core truth in as few words as possible.
