Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving. Col. 4:2

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Greatest Commandment

Mark 12:28-34

Using the 3 Question Method, here are some possible ways the responses to the questions could look.  It is not the only way or the “right way”, but it may be helpful.
1. Who:  a scribe (lawyer) and Jesus
    What:  the scribe asked Jesus a question
    When:  in the midst of arguments
    Where:  in a group of religious leaders
    Why:  the scribe had an apparent genuine question for Jesus

Or if you were to put it in summary form, it might read:  Amidst many arguments among religious leaders, a scribe questioned Jesus.   Jesus commended the scribe’s response to His answer.

2. Command:  Jesus repeated the Old Testament command to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.  (Deut. 6:5) 
Examples to follow:  scribe stated that striving to love God is more important than “doing things” for God out of duty.  Jesus example:  giving an encouraging, loving response to one seriously seeking. 

Main truth:  Jesus affirms the O.T. command that to love God with our whole being is the most important commandment of all.
What the passage reveals about God: 
            God welcomes sincere questioners who see truth.
            God is wise, supreme, truth, our authority, an encourager, King (refers to His kingdom)
            God cares about relationships:  ours with Him and ours with others.
            God wants all of us.
Other lessons/truths:
            Not everyone is in the kingdom of God.
            God’s kingdom is a spiritual realm.

 3. Application questions:
    What hinders me from loving God with my total being? 
    How can I love God more today?

    What things do I do “for God” out of duty or ritual rather than out of love?  How could I change that?

    What do I do about the questions I have about living for God?  Do I seek answers or just put them aside?

    How does my life show that God is my authority?

    Is it possible to love God without loving my neighbor?  Why or why not?

    In what relationship do I most need to show love?

    Who can I encourage in their spiritual search for truth?

    What am I doing to advance God’s kingdom on earth?  Or do I spend more time trying to advance my own kingdom than His?   





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