Not being much of a gardener, tomato plants in a pot on my deck seemed like a idea. So with the weather warming and the calendar saying it was safe to plant, in they went. But as the weeks progressed, the growth was not promising and the blossoms scarce. Someone suggested that maybe they were root bound so I separated them, and put them in the ground. By now it was well into June but I still had hope. Then one day upon examining the plants closer, I noticed that something had been enjoying my transplanted tomato plants for a late night or early morning snack. Hope was dwindling but I decided to give them one last chance - deer repellent spray and fertilizer - before leaving on vacation for two weeks plus. Fast forward to the end of July. Upon our return the plants were markedly bigger and tomatoes markedly absent. So where did I go? The Internet, of course! What did I learn? I had used the wrong type of fertilizer which gave great plant growth but no fruit. By now, most of you have gotten a good chuckle at my gardening challenged skills. But guess what I noticed a couple weeks ago? Many blossoms, and now some small tomatoes have appeared! Have you noticed that God never wants to waste any experience? Let's look for some spiritual lessons and ask some questions. Despite our mistakes, setbacks, ignorance, or circumstances over which we have no control, God can still bring fruit from our lives. It may not be in the timing we want or the way we expect but we can trust the Master Gardener to do His work. For what do you need to wait on God? What is happening in your life right now that you didn't expect? How are you responding? Are you tempted to give up on something or someone? Do what God shows you to do and then watch the Gardener as He works tenderly, skillfully, and patiently.
What other applications do you see? Share them with us.
Thanks Jan! Good reminder that when we think we've failed GOD in his sovereign way often is just showing us a different path or a 2nd chance! I know I give up to soon, or feel like I will never learn...but just like your plants got a second set of blossoms, we too can learn and blossom from any experience. You didn't stop nurturing and trying to get fruit out of your plants...well, God feels that way about us too! He never tops nurturing...we just need to get the fertilizer/food from His Word!